Saturday, November 20, 2010


This Saturday we took a roadtrip about an hour north of the Smith homestead to Anthem, AZ to see the Tallest Christmas Tree in the United States. We intended to take some photos of the kids next to it, but when we got there we realized that it was fenced off and we could not actually get within 20 ft of it. Regardless, we saw it and even had time stop off at the park to let the kids run around.

Marley prevented Grayson from swimming with the ducks!

Marley thinks her brother is silly.

Look - no cavities!

A scenic shot of a nearby mountain.

A couple of cool dudes.

Here he comes......


Lets see how many Smiths can fit down the slide at once....

(How did the cameraman even get this shot?)

It was all smiles coming down the slide!

See you next time.

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