Thursday, July 19, 2012

Underwater Pictures

The kids got a new toy recently...a water camera. We tested it out in the pool this week.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

From the Camera Phone Archives....

We recently gave our camera phone an enema and we had a lot of random pictures po(o)p out. In fact there were hundreds of pictures. Some were better than others, but we decided to share some...

 We have only begun to scratch the surface of the camera phone archives. Stay tuned for Part II.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Fairmount Princess Weekend

This weekend 3/4's of the family had a mini-vacation splashing around at the Fairmount Princess Resort. Unfortunately (and as previously documented), 1 of us had fresh stitches in his thumb and was under doctors orders to keep the appendage away from water for at least 10 days. However little Gray had a special weekend of his own hanging out with MiMi & Papa Pollard, and "fixing" things around their house. 

The view overlooking the "Sonoran Splash" pool.

The water slides.

The boring pool for old farts.

The fun pool for little people.

Marley floating by.

Marley really enjoyed the slides.

Marley and a new pal do some gator wrestling.

Marley is all smiles as she hits the water.
She swims over for a close-up.

Even Mom overcame her fears and rode the waterslides.

Here she comes again.

Mom braces for impact.

Marley gives the thumbs up to the spectators.

At night they had "techno slides" with strobe lights and smoke machines.

The view from above.

Breakfast on the porch.
And we could not forget about Gray. He enjoyed some of Mimi's homecooking....fried rat.